Finally I have broken my blog-ginity (that’s dumb right), anyway here’s my two cents from a newbie, self proclaimed writer.
It’s funny how sometimes we think our problems are specific to us,
( like last week was having some serious flu and was about to buy those handkerchiefs they sell on the roadside when I saw this fly mama I have been eying for a while head to the hawker I was with to buy what I thought was going to be pk so I asked for pk instead only to find that she asked for the handkerchief for herself)-I dint think pretty mamas buy handkerchiefs from the hawker too…
,how we think we are the best at what we do … but it’s how we usually think our dreams are the ones that are going to come true that sometimes amazes me.
Life has a way of putting us in check. This usually doesn’t happen at the right time but at the universe's time - it sucks I know, but that is just the way of the world. They say the past comes to haunt at some point in our lives and that is why I don’t take to heart today’s youth mantra YOLO (you only live once). This mantra always applies especially when you are about to do something very stupid which you most probably don’t approve of yourself. I honestly think this mantra should come with a disclaimer too - YODO (you only die once) or you’ll regret this for a long time but that’s just me...rumblings of a realist!
Dreams keep us sane from all the madness and failures of the past. I guess everyone has that one thing that if they could turn back the hands of time they would have done things a little bit differently.
All great men as we know them today dared to dream and that is what made them stand out from the pack. I don’t know of anyone who wouldn’t want their names to live for decades on after they are’s human nature and that is why kings built statues of themselves, presidents imprint their faces on currency etc. There is a better way of making a legacy I think, and that is daring to do the impossible -DARING TO DREAM. History has shown without any doubt that those who dream t especially those who dream wildly (you know what I mean) and realistically did what we deemed the impossible! You only have to look at the Martin Luther Kings, Christopher Columbus and back home our own Wangari Maathai's, Joseph Mwangi (He says equity bank is going to be bigger than Kenya’s economy some day-story for another day_),Ringtone (laughing all the way to the bank=was a street urchin once) and many more who prove to us one day the rewards of daring to dream not only big but realistically.
I think the greatest mistake of the 21st century is the way we have attached a lot of importance and coverage to the success stories of today and the times past. That’s why we always think yeah I can do it, but I think we should also here the stories of the great failures of modern times to. It would save some of ya’ll dreamers lots of heart aches caused by failed projects and abandoned dreams. We always want to hear positive things but there is a lot to learn from the negative too, so don’t shun the negative story today it might make you not undertake that new project (saving you lots of money along the way) ,might make you just stay in employment and not rush into business start ups, might even make you put off marriage for a while!
Anyway for those who thought that dreams alone count, they should know that there is hard work and dedication that follows as we try to make our dreams into reality! Hard work and dreams are tied to each other hip and bone...that is the only downside of turning our dreams to reality but as they say nothing good ever came easy or cheap and if it did be sure it is no good. I believe history is the best teacher and those who don’t learn from it are bound to repeat the same mistakes. Some dreams we share, some we keep to ourselves for fear of them being watered down but I reiterate that if we always dare to dream there is still hope, so dare to dream today and you will not be disappointed. Trust me!
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