Its cool outside, a slight draught through the window blows and booming music from the miraa den close by pierces through the night. It's quite late a little past midnight and the mood is kinda nostalgic, reflective of the events that transpired today. Well my nostalgia is induced by my bumping into an old pal today (he has metamorphosed into just an acquaintance nowadays), and it reminded me of the days gone and the good memories made that fade with each passing day.
Some fool jolts me from my reverie of thoughts with a text "Turn up the music,turn down the drama" Where you at? Well I ignored for nothing good ever happens after Two O' Clock they say, but I pumped up the volume...lyrical Wale is spitting out some sentimental stuff so I turn the volume a notch lower and the nostalgia sinks right back again...sigh!
Am getting a bit too reflective now and am reminded of how each day, life seems to shape out differently.My thoughts get deeper and the lingering damning thoughts about the future and how the past shapes the future with or without your consent sink in their anchor firmly.I guess we are forced each day to change our mindset and our ways just to remain relevant in a rapidly changing society and thus arises the need to constantly burn old rickety bridges and build new ones with better designs and structures with the hope that they will last their use.
I think it happens to everyone as they grow up. You find out who you are and what you want, and then you realize that people you’ve known forever don't see things the way you do. So you keep the wonderful memories but find yourself moving on. It’s perfectly normal I guess and that's the beauty of life...that we don't know how we will change and when we will change.
'Adapt or die' they say, am reminded of the movie Money-ball, if you haven't watched it, you're depriving your mind the chance for it to be opened up especially to the idea that change is inevitable. Billy in this movie (the starring) tells the head scouts of the A's (baseball team) that if they want to win they either adapt or die and adapt they did, and from that they thrived, though they didn't win that season.Their management of baseball was adopted by many other clubs even today. I re-watched this movie a couple of days back and it reiterates the fact that life will never be "business as usual" if change is necessitated either by a sudden feeling to recreate ourselves to achieve our goals or by circumstances.
And so I have burned so many bridges along the way some necessitated by circumstances and some by the need to be constantly re-inventing oneself to achieve new bigger goals.Its hard when life as you know it has to change.Uncertainties creep in on whether we made the right decision but then again we should believe in the PROCESS because it is a process.Trust the process and the process is never easy because if it was easy then there would be nothing to it and everyone could change on a whim."Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your in the question"- Letters to a young poet.
Kill those bad habits today,leave that toxic boring job because life should be fun and full of constant good change but most importantly burn those bridges that are rickety and unfounded. Am reminded of these words, "Take me as I am...or Watch me as I go" .Pleasing to the ear I guess,but hard on the implementation.
would be nothing to it and everyone would change on a whim - See more